Location: Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada

I love being a husband, dad, brother and being uncle to the best nephews and nieces in the world. Macintosh computers rule.

Thursday, January 05, 2006


I know my Calvinist friends were thinking of another kind of election but I am referring to the Canadian election on January 23. I have been observing the Canadian election and I really like what the NDP did with the Liberal Ads. The "average Canadians" in the Liberal Ads are all Liberal insiders. Well done. You can see the "average Canadian" voters exposed at:

NDP | More "Average Canadian or Liberal Insider?"

Mr. Martin has a problem with a friend in Quebec. I am amazed it took the RCMP this long to uncover this new scandal. It seems a friend of Paul Martin gained some money via the 1995 Quebec referendum:

"A source told The Globe that there are questions about the
distribution of some of the grant money, believed to be $300,000. ...
Still, the news isn't good for Liberal Leader Paul Martin. The man who ran
Option Canada at the time of the grant was Claude Dauphin, a close friend
of the Prime Minister who worked for him in the mid-1990s, when Martin was
finance minister. He's also one of Martin's closest advisers from Quebec."

Read the whole story below: | RCMP looking into 1995 grant to pro-Canada group
The Globe and Mail: Mounties eye another referendum handout

Well I guess we will see what happens next!
