Location: Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada

I love being a husband, dad, brother and being uncle to the best nephews and nieces in the world. Macintosh computers rule.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Gospel of Judas casts doubt on traditional beliefs

This is pretty simple. In history the document closest to the event it is describing is considered the most accurate. This is true of the real gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. There are many copies of these original manuscripts and they were written closer to the events than any copy of this Judas book. This Judas book is written at least 200 years after the events it describes. It does not appear to be accurate. Much like the gnostic gospels, it appears the content is a compromise on what was written right after the events happened. This makes me think of the current popular fiction novel "The Da Vinci Code", which although it is listed as fiction, many take it as "good" history, which it is not. I am not an historian, I will leave that to my brother but as a Christian but history like this makes me angry, because of the stupidity of people.

Gospel of Judas casts doubt on traditional beliefs
