Location: Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada

I love being a husband, dad, brother and being uncle to the best nephews and nieces in the world. Macintosh computers rule.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Media gives the message.

I have to say my background is not conservative. I grew up in Saskatchewan and my roots are CCF/ NDP. My grandfather, Henry broke land in Saskatchewan in the early 1900's. He was a card carrying CCFer. I believe in universal health and that Tommy Douglas is the best Prime minister we never had. I believe in Tommy's Social Gospel which to me was an application of the original gospel ( Matthew, Mark, Like and John) to the Social woes of the country. Universal Health care fits that picture well as the early Christian (first century) church worked communally to meet the needs of all, especially widows. I also grew up with Allan Blakney as Premier. A likeable guy. I have had trouble following anything NDP since Ed Broadbent retired as leader federally. They were guaranteed my vote, in the past. The current NDP has lost its way. They are social with no gospel. The conservatives were the enemy in my little world, other than Diefenbaker. I did not like Mr. Mulroney. He was the worst aspects of being Irish ( Too much kissing the balarney) . I can say this because my mother was Irish. I also remember watching the 1968 Liberal convention that elected Pierre Trudeau as elected leader. I was six years old at the time and was caught up in the frenzy of Trudeau mania. I was playing on the floor while my mother was ironing. It was ambient visuals but very fascinating and exciting. I wanted to vote for Mr. Trudeau. I used to only vote NDP or Liberal, never PC. I have watched other conventions as I grew up such Joe Clarke's leadership win, John Turner's leadership win and others, including the recent Conservative Convention from Montreal. I don't come into this as a neophyte. I watched with amazement as they choose a moderate line on everything and yet it was different than the LIberal line. I have looked for a party that holds policies that represents traditional family values. I as a voter therefore have two chioces. I either have to find an MP that does not tow the party-line or I have to vote consevative. My question is what is wrong with Steven Harper? The media is giving the message. If there was an honest debate, Mr. Martin would be seen to blow with wind and therefore hold no principled view. ( such as "The courts made me change my view on marriage" ) He only wants to stay in power. He will sling mud at anyone. Anyway, the article below says the rest.

This article from the Brandon Sun Online says it all and I include it below.
Tory woes fault of fickle liberal media
